How the Topseeder works


Bending and kneeling to plant seeds by hand or from a conventional seeder is  thing of the past.

How it works:

  • The Topseeder kit come with a seed dish and seed drill that are ready to install onto a 3/4" piece of schedule 40 PVC that you buy at most hardware stores.
  • Cut the PVC to the desired height so you can seed standing up or from any position you want.
  • insert the seed dish onto one end of the PVC pipe and the seed drill onto the other. You are ready to plant.
  • The seed dish is designed for seeds of all sizes. It has been divided into a shallow side and a deep side. Use the shallow side for small seeds like lettuce or carrot and the deep side for seeds like beets or corn. Add your seeds to the side you desire.
  • Place the seed drill into the soil to be panted at the location and depth you desire or follow a premade furrow.
  • Gently draw the seed along the slope of the seed curve leaving unwanted seeds behind.
  • When you have the desired number of seeds under your fingertip, draw them to the end and into the mouth of the seed dish.
  • Lift the Topseeder and move to your next location and repeat.

Unboxing the Topseeder 118.